How we work

Scientists say we are made of atoms but a little bird told me that we are made of stories (Eduardo Galeano)

Arraigo Psicología Clínica Tarragona

Psychotherapy is a technique but above all has to do with a sincere relationship based on respect and honesty between two people (a professional and a person who comes to consult) a care to help thinking space.

Therapy must necessarily focus on the customer individualized and unique way.

Arraigo Psicología Clínica Tarragona

Depending on your needs adapt our knowledge with the purpose of improving the quality of life of the person, through a change in behavior, attitudes, thoughts and / or emotions.

Concibe mí trabajo desde una buena valoración y exploración psicopatológicas necesarias para poder legar a un diagnóstico clínico si Fuera el caso y desde allí, abordar las Necesidades particulares de cada caso.

Arraigo Psicología Clínica Tarragona

I believe that the person is an active agent in the process of change and where responsibility plays an important role so that one can undertake to develop their full potential. Effortlessly change is not possible.

Another fundamental aspect for me is to be in constant training and supervision. The human mind is so complex that you have to keep learning to always offer the best service possible.

In short, I imagine my conceptual framework within humanistic-existential paradigm and dynamics and interpersonal psychotherapy.

"The therapeutic relationship is the heart of psychotherapy itself, and is the vehicle through which the therapeutic changes (Greben) occur."